Transport & Logistics is essential to our Tasmanian way of life!

Our people deliver essential goods and services for you and your family – every day.

In the good times and the bad, we are there to support Tasmanian businesses with deliveries, into, out of and within Tasmania, to keep Tasmania moving.

Transport and Logistics employs more than 12,000 Tasmanians across businesses in road, rail, warehousing, sea, ports, air, logistics and passenger transport.  There is a huge range of career opportunities in Transport and Logistics and the rewards and opportunities are amazing.

TTA supports the Australian Trucking Association Daimler Truck & Bus Future Leader’s Forum.

From the first program in 2018, Tasmanian Transport Industry Leaders have been nominated by the TTA to participate in the Daimler Truck & Bus Future Leaders Program, a career-defining opportunity for participants to develop potential as a future leader of the trucking industry.

TTA celebrates industry success and recognises industry achievers.

Our Annual Gala Dinner & Awards Night is the Tasmanian Transport Industry’s night of nights, to celebrate the achievements of the industry and to recognise industry achievers, in the following awards:

  • Young Achiever – sponsored by Gallagher
  • Workforce Diversity – sponsored by TasRail
  • Professional Truck Driver of the Year – sponsored by NTI
  • Outstanding Contribution – sponsored by NTI

Our 2019 Award Recipients are pictured below!

A truck won’t drive itself, freight won’t load itself, and business won’t grow without a skilled and engaged workforce. Tasmania, like other Australian States is experiencing a major demographic shift towards an ageing population and an ageing workforce. The economic and business consequence of such a shift must not be underestimated.  This shift will impact on the transport and logistics sector if recruitment and development of young people does not occur.  Today’s school students are tomorrow’s workforce.

How the transport and logistics industry engages and connects with these young people is therefore critical to our capacity to develop an innovative and skilled workforce.

The Tasmanian Transport Association (TTA) understand this imperative and have been working in partnership with the Department of Education Tasmania to develop and implement an innovative and dynamic Australian School-based Apprenticeship workforce planning and development program dedicated to the transport and logistics industry – “Careers on the Move”

TTA supports the Australian Trucking Association Teletrac Navman Driving Change Diversity Program.

The 2020 Teletrac Navman Driving Change Diversity Program is a ground-breaking initiative that celebrates industry diversity, develops diversity champions, and improves industry image.

The program showcases diversity champions to the trucking industry and wider community through program participant stories, diversity training and a marketing campaign, promoting a positive perception of industry and encouraging new entrants into the workforce.

There's more to Transport & Logistics...


Call the TTA by phone: 0427 366 742 or email: - We're here and interested to support you and your business